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Lucrative Business Ideas In Poultry Farming Industry

15 Lucrative Business Ideas In Poultry Farming Industry

The poultry farming industry in India includes numerous lucrative business opportunities for entrepreneurs. People generally perceive poultry farming as all about rearing and farming chickens for eggs and meats. However, it is something more than that.

The survival and profitability of a small-scale enterprise in the poultry farming industry depend on the qualities of the person who starts the business. An individual must be an opportunity seeker through a careful scanning of the needs of the consumers and the entire poultry value system. He or she must be persistent to be able to support business growth.

Here in this article, we intend to list 15 chosen small business opportunities in the poultry farming industry.

Poultry Farming Industry Market Potential

The poultry farming industry is one of the fastest-growing agricultural segments today. The production of egg and meat are increasing at a rate of 8 to 10% annually. The industry has undergone a paradigm shift in structure and operation. It has transformed from a mere backyard activity into a major commercial and sustainable activity in just about a few decades.

Growth in per capita income, a growing urban population, health consciousness about red meat are the major contributing factors in the expansion of the poultry farming industry. A growing rural market and awareness of new technologies and specialized methodologies and techniques in hatching and bird rearing have also boosted market growth and reduced wastage.

Poultry rearing technology, chicken meat processing, medicines, feed additives, health products, equipment, management, and other technical services are the lucrative field of investment opportunity. India is the second-largest egg producer and third-largest broiler chicken producer in the world with production estimates of 65,000 million (2.8 million tons) eggs and 3 million tons of broiler meat per year.

The market is estimated to be worth about INR 90,000 Crore. South India accounts for the majority of total poultry production and consumption in the country. Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Maharashtra in the west, Haryana, Punjab in the north, and West Bengal are key regions in this aspect.

There are several opportunities for foreign direct investment (FDI) in the poultry sector in areas like breeding, medication, feedstock, vertical integration, and processing. Currently, 100% Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is permitted in the food processing sector which covers dairy, poultry, marine, vegetables, and fruits. Robust growth in the poultry output, coupled with future growth potential and favorable socioeconomic factors over the last decade makes India one of the fastest-growing world markets in this segment.

15 Business Ideas in Poultry Farming Industry

#1. Broiler Poultry Farming For Meat

Commercial broiler farming is the most successful business in the Asia Pacific region and other parts of the world. This business can be initiated on a small-medium and large-scale basis according to the investment capacity.

#2. Chicken Hatchery

In the modern nomenclature of the poultry farming industry, the term hatchery covers the sector which is engaged in the production and supply of one-day-old chicks by artificial incubation. Day-old chicks are produced keeping in view the customer’s requirements. The Bureau of Indian Standards has laid down specifications for day-old chicks (layer/broiler) under the ISI Specification. 

#3. Duck Farming

Duck farming or duckery is a profitable business for small business entrepreneurs. Additionally, duck farming is possible without water for some of the specific breeds. Duck rearing does not require elaborate housing like poultry. Ducks are hardier well suited for a weaker section where the level of management is moderately scientific. Khaki Campbell is the best egg-producing breed in ducks.

#4. Duck Farming With Integrated Fish Farming

The major benefit of this type of farming is water surface of the pond can be used for duck raising. Fish ponds provide an excellent environment for ducks which prevents them from infection of parasites. The daily waste of duck feed (about 20 – 30 gm/duck) serves as fish feed in ponds or as manure, resulting in higher fish yield. Manuring is conducted by ducks and homogeneously distributed without any helping of duck droppings.

#5. Egg Processing

Egg processing opportunity includes egg grading, processing, pasteurization, spray drying, and eggshell processing. A fully export-oriented plant setup definitely a cash-intensive business.

#6. Frozen Chicken Meat Processing

The demand for frozen chicken meat is increasing rapidly. The product is very popular in retail outlets. Some of the very popular frozen and chilled forms are whole chicken (with or without giblets), boneless breast, boneless legs, drumstick with skin, drumstick skinless, a whole leg with skin, whole leg skinless, wings, lollipop.

#7. Layer Poultry Farming For Eggs

Layer poultry farming means raising egg-laying poultry birds for the purpose of commercial egg production. For poultry farming schemes with very large outlays, detailed project reports will have to be prepared. Banks provide financial assistance for construction of brooder/grower and layer sheds, feed store, quarters, etc., purchase of poultry equipment such as feeders, waterers, brooders, etc., creating infrastructure items for the supply of electricity, feed, water, etc.

#8. Organic Manure Production

A very good quality organic manure production is possible from chicken wastes. An organic chicken manure fertilizer production technology process includes the selection of raw material (chicken manure etc), drying and sterilization, burden mixing, granulation, cooling, screening, measuring and cutting, and product storage. 

#9. Ostrich Farming

Ostrich meat is the healthiest alternative to our traditional meat. It has lower fat, calories, and cholesterol than beef, chicken, and pork. Ostriches allow the farmer to make higher and quicker returns on investment. Ostrich eggs, meat, hide (leather), and feather are very highly-priced and command high prices on the local and international markets. Additionally, you can operate ostrich farming in the paddock along with sheep, goats, and cattle.

#10. Pigeon Farming

Pigeon is a domestic bird and the business is profitable to start with small capital investment. Basically, pigeon meat is too much tasty and full of protein. A pigeon farm needs an open place for their moving. Pigeon house requires very little space; normally for a couple, a room with 12 x 12 x 10-inch dimensions is quite enough.

#11. Poultry Farming Equipment Shop

This is one of the most profitable trading opportunities in the poultry farming industry. You can start the business in two ways. You can source the material from manufacturers and sell it from your own shop. Otherwise, you can start with a distributor or dealership agreement of a reputed company.

Some of the most popular equipment are  Poultry Cage, Layer Cage, Breeder Cage, Poultry Ventilation System, Poultry Environment Control System, Poultry Cooling Fan Pad, Poultry Heaters, Nipple Drinking System, Poultry Controller Systems, etc.

#12. Poultry Feed Manufacturing

Good quality poultry feed is always in high demand. The success of livestock farming is largely dependent on the continuous supply of good quality nutritious feeds at a competitive price. The business is very profitable according to the gross profit generation.

#13. Quails Farming

Commercial quails farming is all about raising quails commercially (like other poultry birds) for the purpose of profitable eggs and meat production. Quails are very small-sized birds. Almost all types of weather conditions are suitable for starting a quail farming business. Meat and eggs of quail are very tasty and nutritious.

#14. Swan Farming

Swan farming is a profitable small business. Generally, the swans are raised for their beauty and economic importance. Nowadays swan farming has become a popular income source. Generally, people consume the meat and eggs of swan birds.

#15. Turkey Farming

Turkey farming is suitable for small and medium farming business activities. It is a highly profitable business. Turkey birds are reared for only meat purposes and are not suitable for commercial egg production. Commercial turkey farming in India is slowly getting popularity as an alternative to chicken farming.

The poultry farming industry is huge and it is increasing rapidly with technology enhancement. We hope this article on lucrative niche business ideas in the poultry farming industry will help you in making an informed decision.

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